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The convertor package contain classes aimed at converting circuits and data from and to perceval standards.

Qiskit Convertor



Qiskit is not listed as a Perceval dependency. Users wishing to use Qiskit shall install it by themselves.

Qiskit is an opensource quantum development library. A Qiskit QuantumCircuit can be converted to an equivalent photonic circuit using Perceval QiskitConverter.

>>> import qiskit
>>> from perceval.converters import QiskitConverter
>>> import perceval.lib.phys as phys

Create a Quantum Circuit (the following is pure Qiskit syntax):

>>> qc = qiskit.QuantumCircuit(2)
>>> qc.h(0)
>>>, 1)
>>> print(qc.draw())
q_0: ┤ H ├──■──
q_1: ─────┤ X ├

Then convert the Quantum Circuit with Perceval QiskitConvertor:

>>> qiskit_convertor = QiskitConverter(phys)
>>> perceval_processor = qiskit_convertor.convert(qc)

See also:

Qiskit tutorial

Qiskit conversion and decomposition example


QiskitConverter constructor usage:

>>> converter = QiskitConverter(library, source=None)


  • library: any Perceval component library such as phys or symb

  • source: a Perceval Source object representing a photonic source (default is a perfect source)

convert method usage:

>>> processor = qiskit_convertor.convert(qc: qiskit.QuantumCircuit, heralded: bool = None)


  • qc: the qiskit.QuantumCircuit to be converted

  • heralded: bool (default = None)

    • True => use only heralded CNOT

    • False => use only post-processed CNOT

    • None (not set) => use heralded CNOT for all gates except the last one (which is post-processed)

  • Returns: a Processor containing the qiskit.QuantumCircuit equivalent, heralds and post selection function.