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- class perceval.components.processor.Processor(backend, m_circuit=None, source=None, noise=None, name='Local processor')
Generic definition of processor as a source + components (both unitary and non-unitary) + ports + optional post-processing logic
- Parameters:
backend (ABackend | str) – Name or instance of a simulation backend
m_circuit (int | ACircuit) –
can either be:
- an int: number of modes of interest (MOI). A mode of interest is any non-heralded mode.
>>> p = Processor("SLOS", 5)
- a circuit: the input circuit to start with. Other components can still be added afterwards with add()
>>> p = Processor("SLOS", BS() // PS() // BS())
source (Source) – the Source used by the processor (defaults to perfect source)
noise (NoiseModel) – a NoiseModel containing noise parameters (defaults to no noise) Note: source and noise are mutually exclusive
name (str) – a textual name for the processor (defaults to “Local processor”)
- add(mode_mapping, component, keep_port=True)
Add a component to the processor (unitary or non-unitary).
- Parameters:
mode_mapping –
Describe how the new component is connected to the existing processor. Can be:
an int: composition uses consecutive modes starting from mode_mapping
a list or a dict: describes the full mapping of length the input mode count of component
component –
The component to append to the processor. Can be:
A unitary circuit
A non-unitary component
A processor
A detector
keep_port (
) – if True, saves self’s output ports on modes impacted by the new component, otherwise removes them.
- Return type:
Adding a component on non-ordered, non-consecutive modes computes the right permutation (PERM component) which fits into the existing processor and the new component.
>>> p = Processor("SLOS", 6) >>> p.add(0, BS()) # Modes (0, 1) connected to (0, 1) of the added beam splitter >>> p.add([2,5], BS()) # Modes (2, 5) of the processor's output connected to (0, 1) of the added beam splitter >>> p.add({2:0, 5:1}, BS()) # Same as above
- add_herald(mode, expected, name=None)
Add a heralded mode
- Parameters:
mode (
) – Mode index of the heraldexpected (
) – number of expected photon as input AND output on the given mode (must be 0 or 1)name (
]) – Herald port name. If none is passed, the name is auto-generated
- Return type:
- are_modes_free(mode_range, location=PortLocation.OUTPUT)
- Return type:
- Returns:
True if all modes in mode_range are free of ports, for a given location (input, output or both)
- check_input(input_state)
Check if a basic state input matches with the current processor configuration
- property circuit_size: int
- Returns:
Total size of the enclosed circuit (i.e. self.m + heralded mode count)
- flatten(max_depth=None)
List all the components in the processor where recursive circuits have been flattened.
- Parameters:
max_depth – The maximum depth of recursion. The remaining sub-circuits at this depth are listed as a component.
- Return type:
- property in_port_names
- Returns:
A list of the input port names. Names are repeated for ports connected to more than one mode
- linear_circuit(flatten=False)
Creates a linear circuit from internal components, if all internal components are unitary. Takes phase imprecision noise into account.
- Parameters:
flatten (
) – if True, the component recursive hierarchy is discarded, making the output circuit “flat”.- Raises:
RuntimeError – If any component is non-unitary
- Return type:
- Returns:
The resulting Circuit object
- log_resources(method, extra_parameters)
Log resources of the processor
- Parameters:
method (
) – name of the method usedextra_parameters (
) –extra parameters to log.
Extra parameter can be:
- property m: int
- Returns:
Number of modes of interest (MOI) defined in the processor
- min_detected_photons_filter(n)
Sets-up a state post-selection on the number of detected photons. With thresholded detectors, this will actually filter on “click” count.
- Parameters:
n (
) – Minimum expected photons
This post-selection has an impact on the output physical performance
- property out_port_names
- Returns:
A list of the output port names. Names are repeated for ports connected to more than one mode
- set_circuit(circuit)
Removes all components and replace them by the given circuit.
- Parameters:
circuit (
) – The circuit to start the processor with- Return type:
- Returns:
Self to allow direct chain this with .add()
- set_postselection(postselect)
Set a logical post-selection function. Along with the heralded modes, this function has an impact on the logical performance of the processor
- Parameters:
postselect (
) – Sets a post-selection function. Its signature must be func(s: BasicState) -> bool. If None is passed as parameter, removes the previously defined post-selection function.
- property source
- Returns:
The photonic source
- property source_distribution: SVDistribution | None
Retrieve the computed input distribution. :return: the input SVDistribution if with_input was called previously, otherwise None.
- thresholded_output(value)
Simulate threshold detectors on output states. All detections of more than one photon on any given mode is changed to 1.
- Parameters:
value (
) – enables threshold detection when True, otherwise disables it.