I’m trying to setup some batch jobs to run on qpu:ascella and I run into some errors in replicating the tutorial found here:
The line of the tutorial that generates the error is in the last snippet where one tries to display the results obtained from the batch job ( local or remote)
results_list = sample_count["results_list"] # Note that all the results are stored in the "results_list" field
for r in results_list:
print(r["iteration"]['circuit_params']) # Iteration params are available along with the other result fields
Apparently the results of the iteration found in sample_count["results_list"]
have no “iteration” key.
From what I’ve found in Perceval code these result dictionary are ultimately produced by Processor.samples() in Sampler._probs_iterate_locally()
This error is consisted with Processor.samples() result statement that cites no “iteration” whatsoever:
return {'results': output, 'physical_perf': physical_perf, 'logical_perf': logical_perf}
Is this “iteration” key planned to be part of the interface?
Personally I would find it really useful
I’m running a freshly updated version of Perceval 0.10.3