New Perceval Release : 0.7.0 - Blanchefleur

Hello all,

We are proud to announce a new release of Perceval

0.7.0 - Blanchefleur

It brings many features and improvements, and most of all, it includes a whole new Processor-centered syntax.

You will encounter new features and improvements such as:

  • Processor has been reworked and improved

    • It now aims at reproducing real life quantum optical processors
    • It can handle non-unitary components
    • Port encoding can now be represented
  • Sampler algorithm can now give you the results of a processor with any form you might want (probabilities, ordered list of samples, or count of samples)

  • A new RemoteProcessor to perform remote computation on simulator and … real QPUs !

  • A new MPS backend able to represent noise in a circuit

  • A serialization system allowing to store results

  • The fusion of symb and phys to a unified component library

  • A skin system to switch between the representations of the circuits

  • A simplification function to reduce the complexity of circuits

  • BasicState class now hold annotations

  • New beam splitter conventions

  • The possibility to access to specific circuit components using brackets

There have also been several optimizations and improvements:

  • More readable herald rendering

  • Much faster Stepper computation

  • Faster circuit rendering

  • Crash fix with CliffordClifford2017

  • Restored compatibility with Python 3.7 and 3.8

Beware that some syntax have been broken (see breaking changes), and you may need to update your code after the update.

To install it:

pip install --upgrade perceval-quandela

Thanks for all the feedback on the previous version - please keep us updated through the forum or on github if you find any issue !