How to recover job meta-data

I run a job on a pcvl.RemoteProcessor( bhla ) few weeks ago.
Today I only have job id:
I can retrieve results of this experiment using this code

import perceval as pcvl
remProc = pcvl.RemoteProcessor("any name")
job = remProc.resume_job(jid)
print('Job status =%s '%(job.status()))
results = job.get_results()

My question is how can I recover the other information about this job (meta data) :

  • the circuit(s) associated with this job
  • number of shots and execution duration
  • the name of remote backend: was it sim:ascella or qpu:ascella ?
  • acquired charge for this job


Hi Jan,

I’m not aware of any way of retrieving the job metadata programmatically once sent to the cloud. I’m going to check with the cloud development team.
The only way of accessing the data you need, for now, would be to connect to the cloud GUI, search for your job and open its details.

Best regards,

Hi Eric,
I understand you are ramping up and not all features user would like are of the same priority for you.